Install Docker Compose V2 on Ubuntu

Install Docker Compose V2 on Ubuntu

This is a really simple and quick tutorial on installing Docker Compose V2 on Ubuntu via the Docker Repository. The official Docker Compose V2 installation docs can be found here: and the official Docker Compose docs can be found here:

This tutorial assumes you have installed Docker engine. 

Links: Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu Tutorial, Docker Engine Official Installation Docs

Installing Docker Compose V2 on Ubuntu

This command packs the punch: 

					sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin				

Then to test that it installed successfully run: 

					docker compose version				

Run the same commands to upgrade Docker Compose V2 in the future.

That’s a wrap! 

Walter Miely is a tech entrepreneur and CEO of Phoenix Ignited Tech You can find him on Linkedin. This material is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The content provided here is provided AS IS, and part of, or the entirety of this content may be incorrect. Please read the entireLegal Disclaimer here.