Install Docker Compose on Ubuntu

Install Docker Compose on Ubuntu

Updated: August 27th 2024

This tutorial goes through installing Dcoker Compose V1. Docker Compose V1 stopped receiving updates in July of 2023. It is recommended to install Docker Compose V2 see my tutorial here:

Links: Migrate from Docker Compose V1 to V2, Official Docker Compose DocsOfficial Docker Compose V2 Install Docs.

Note: Docker Compose V1 commands begin with “docker-compose” whereas Docker Compose V2 commands begin with “docker compose”.

This tutorial goes through installing docker compose on ubuntu / ubuntu derivatives such as Linux Mint. This tutorial assumes that you have docker installed, see my tutorial here on installing docker:

Install Docker Compose V1

This one line command should do the trick! Just enter “Y” when prompted after you run it.

					sudo apt install docker-compose				

Walter Miely is a tech entrepreneur and CEO of Phoenix Ignited Tech You can find him on Linkedin. This material is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The content provided here is provided AS IS, and part of, or the entirety of this content may be incorrect. Please read the entireLegal Disclaimer here.