How to Create a Systemd Service File

How to Create a Systemd Service File

This tutorial goes through creating a systemd service file. Simple and to the point. It assumes you have a linux service installed, for which your system can’t find systemd <service_name>.service file for. 

Checking Service Install Directory

First off we need to find which directory our service is installed in for most Linux distros it should be under: /usr/local/bin/.

					which <service_name> # replace <service_name> with your actual service name				

Creating Systemd Service File

Next we will create a systemd service file for our service

					sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/<service_name>.service # replace <service_name> with your actual service name				

and we will enter the following into the file:

Description= # Your description here

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/<service_name> # # replace <service_name> with your actual service name


Press CTL+O then ENTER to save the file, CTL+X to exit the nano editor.

Next we will reload the systemd daemon.

					sudo systemctl daemon-reload

That’s it! You can start and manage your service now just as you would normally.

					sudo systemctl start <service_name> # replace <service_name> with your actual service name				

Walter is a tech entrepreneur and in his free time loves fitness, art, writing, and exploring Montana's outdoors.