Create a Realm in Keycloak

Create a Realm in Keycloak

June 2024

In this quick tutorial we will create a keycloak realm, in this realm we can create client applications that use our realm to authenticate and authorize users. Keycloak divides user and client management up at the realm level, so each realm has its own users and client applications. For instance a company may have internal users and apps (i.e. employees and internal apps) and external users and apps (i.e. customers and external facing apps) with keycloak realms a company can create a realm for employees that manages employee user accounts and internal facing client apps, and a realm that manages customer user accounts and external facing client apps. This optimizes user and client management and ensures that users only have access to the client apps they should.

This tutorial assumes you have keycloak installed and running. 

Log into Keycloak

Log into your admin keycloak account.

Create a New Keycloak Realm

Now click the drop-down arrow in the top left-hand corner of the screen where it says Keycloak. 

You will see a drop-down box that includes your current realms and a button to create a new realm, click “Create”. 

Next you will be prompted to name the realm and add a description. You can also upload a json file to configure the realm however that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Click create and done! To add client applications to your keycloak realm, see our other tutorials or see for more info.

Walter Miely is a tech entrepreneur and CEO of Phoenix Ignited Tech You can find him on Linkedin. This material is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The content provided here is provided AS IS, and part of, or the entirety of this content may be incorrect. Please read the entireLegal Disclaimer here.