Phoenix Black Ops

Securing families, organizations, and businesses. We are dedicated to ensuring the security of the digital universe, protecting humanity online and off, protecting privacy and preventing digital crime.

Virtual Training

Knowledge is power, but only potential power. We create free training materials via the Phoenix Black Ops blog and aim to expand our training materials into complete tutorials and courses in the near future.

Cyber Security Analysis

We offer non-intensive cyber security analysis overviews, these analysis cover the basics including basic system authentication analysis, system attack surface analysis, basic system security config analysis, etc. It is just an overview not a full blown security analysis / audit.

Protect Your Systems

Developing software to better secure your organization.

Data Security Analysis

  • Least Collection of PII, SPII, Etc.
  • Least Retention of PII, SPII, Etc.
  • Least Access of PII, SPII, Etc.
  • Data Encryption Analysis

IAM Security Analysis

  • Least Access
  • Least Privilege Access
  • User Authentication
  • Account Security

Device / Endpoint Security Analysis

  • Physical & Remote System Access Security
  • System IAM Security
  • System Network Security
  • Server Security
  • SIEM, 

Application Security Analysis

  • Web & App Frameworks
  • Database Management
  • WordPress, Joomla!, Etc.
  • Ecommerce Apps
  • NextCloud, ERP, CRM, Etc.
  • PHP, Python, C, Java, HTML, CSS, JS, Etc.

Operational Security Analysis & Training

  • Coming Soon

Physical Security

  • Coming Soon

Compliance & Regulatory Security

  • Coming Soon

Threat Intelligence & Mangagement

  • Coming Soon

Disastor Recovery & Business Continuity

  • Coming Soon

Cloud Security

  • Coming Soon

Latest in Cyber Security

It comes down to privacy, cams connected to the internet, if hacked could be used to spy on victims.

Setup 2FA on an SSH Server with Recovery in Mind Setup 2FA on an SSH Server with Recovery in Mind June 29, …

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